All the latest from South West Coaching.

How to beat Imposter Syndrome

It can be challenging beating Imposter Syndrome, but the good news is that it can be done. By creating more self-awareness and by being committed to change, it is possible to develop yourself away from this disempowering phenomenon.

How to say ‘No’ and maintain the relationship

How often do you find saying No tricky? Frequently we can worry about letting someone else down, or worse ruin a relationship. Sometimes it is just quicker to do it ourselves. We regularly don’t say No for fear of losing rapport and this is deeply linked to our...

Don’t Give Up!

Don’t Give Up There are times, especially in the current climate when you might feel the overwhelming urge to give up. Many people I talk to are saying things like “I am sooo fed up of constantly struggling just to make money”. “I am exhausted of the constant battle...

How to access the superhighway of communication

The superhighway of communication. - I had an amazing conversation a few days ago that wasn’t a coaching conversation. It reminded me just how rare it is to communicate with someone deeply and openly, that you don’t know well. So why don’t we do it more often? I had...

Feedback and how to give it

Feedback and how to give ‘it’ always seems to be an area of uncertainty for many people. There are various models we have been told to use but none that I have ever felt really comfortable with and I’m sure I’m not alone. Especially the sandwich type! One of the...