Coaching - Individuals, Teams & Business
ILM Coaching & Mentoring Training Level 5 & 7
360 Feedback & Profiling: DISC - MBTI - PI Reflector
Leadership & Management Development
Bespoke Training Workshops
Team Diagnosis & Development - TMSdI
Action Learning Sets & Facilitation
Organisational Coaching
Organisational coaching is a three-way dimensional contract. The coach effectively manages and holds the balance of meeting the needs of the organisation whilst supporting and developing the talent of the individual.
Whilst organisational coaching is inclusive of both parties needs it can include:
- Communication skills
- Professional development
- Strategic thinking
- Presentation Skills
- Change Management Issues
- Relationship Issues
- Work/Life Balance
- Career change
- Redundancy as a positive opportunity
- Stress Management
- Setting clear success goals
- Developing plans
- Confidence building
- Confidentiality
- Transactional and transformational support
- Motivation
- Objectivity
- A non-judgmental safe space to reflect, regroup, grow and develop
Personal Performance Coaching
Personal Performance Coaching facilitates you to be the best version of yourself, whilst releasing more of your potential. It will enable and empower you to achieve results in all areas of your life. Coaching is the bridge from where you are now to where you want to be.
“If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always got!”
A Personal Coach will focus on you as a whole person in the present moment enabling you to move into a more rewarding future. This differs from counselling, mentorship and consultancy. Coaches believe you have all the answers and inner resources you require and will help facilitate you accordingly to develop and make the changes you need at a pace that is right for you.
“Invest in your future – you really can have the life you want!”
Less of this
- Dissatisfaction with your job
- Feeling stuck in a rut
- Knowing there must be more to life than this
- Work/life out of balance
- Stressed and irritable
- Feeling like a square peg in a round hole
More of this
- Improved work/life balance
- Feel more motivated/inspired
- Improved confidence
- Feel more in control
- Career/business progression
- Better health, less stress, more energy
- Enjoy life more—feel happier
- Improved relationships
- Clearer direction/more focused
At South West Coaching we offer bespoke training packages to help you meet the outcomes you are looking for.
All our training packages are undertaken with a coaching approach to learning.
- Leadership & Management Development
- Coaching Skills for Managers (can be in house over 2 days)
- Effective Coaching & Mentoring Certificate & Diplomas ILM 5 & ILM 7
- Managing Energy not Time as the key to performance
- Communication & Challenge
- Building & maintaining resilience
- Conflict resolution/management
- Team Away Days
- Resilience for results
We also offer internal Coach Supervision packages and short talks free of charge
ILM Level 5 and Level 7 Coach training
We specialise in delivering training to become qualified Coaches & Mentors to ILM Level 5 & 7
Programmes include:
Induction half day
5 days interactive workshop attendance – theory & practise based learning
Independant learning activities
Additional modules, guided reading & learning hours
Observed practise and peer coaching
Monthly on-line support sessions
Supervision – individual and group
1 years membership with ILM
South West Coaching Accredited Coach Training
If you don’t need the ILM badge we offer our own Accredited Coaching programmes to the equivalent of ILM 5 & 7. They are the Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner programmes. This allows us the scope and flexibilty to bring a greater level of content into the training with additional hours of support included. This offers greater value as we dont have to pay the registration fees incurred with ILM.
Programmes include:
Induction half day
Practitioner – 5 days interactive workshop attendance – theory & practise based learning
Advanced Practitioner – 7 days as above
Independant learning activities
Resources, text book, workbooks, video support
Additional modules, guided reading & learning hours
Observed practise and peer coaching
Monthly on-line support sessions
Supervision – individual and group
Lifelong membership and support through South West Coaching
Email for further info: